How To Choose A Herbal Detox Diet?
Toxins can include perfume, alcohol, cigarette smoke, pesticides, mercury, food additives, oral contraceptives, and cleaning supplies. Toxins are transformed chemically to less harmful compounds that can be excreted via stools or urine.
Is there anyone who should not try a detox diet?
Consult your primary care provider to find out if a detox diet is appropriate for you. A detox diet should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with anemia, eating disorders, heart problems, lowered immunity, low blood pressure, ulcers, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, ulcerative colitis, unless recommended and supervised by your primary care provider.
There are endless detox plans you can follow, so chose carefully. Some will advocate complete fasting or juice-only days, but beware of the health implications and never start such an extreme plan without consulting your doctor or a qualified nutritionist.
Detox Benefits
1. Improves symptoms of heartburn, constipation and gas and treats digestive disorders;
2. Boosts the immune system.
Allergies or sensitivies?
By and large, conventional health care only deals with masking the symptoms of allergies and food sensitivities, rather than attempting to resolve them. The first step that many alternative practitioners recommend is a change of diet that cuts out wheat and dairy foods, two common allergens. To do so is also the first step in "detoxing." Higher levels of detoxing, as well as additional immune support through nutritional supplementation, have been known to help many allergy sufferers. Allergies are, however, almost by definition, a very individualized condition.
What happens after the detox?
Many of the foods that were eliminated during this diet can be allergenic. A natural health practitioner can help to systematically reintroduce food groups (wheat, dairy, gluten, corn) and note reactions to identify the food groups that may be aggravating health conditions such as sinus congestion, fatigue, skin conditions, arthritis and bloating and constipation. Flare-ups can occur, so supervision is recommended.
Detoxification is the process of eliminating harmful compounds (toxins) from the body. Find out about Herbal Detox at
Tags: detox diet | detox | wight loss | diet | healthy diet
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Brain Diet : Right Diet prevents Memory Loss
These days, when people have become so conscious about what they eat and how it affects their body, they don't realize that eating same food helps their brain to grow and make it more healthy. According to studies, right diet can help prevent memory loss. Studies say right amount of diet is far more affective in memory-enhancement rather than all those expensive supplements.
Here is how it works!
As the brain ages, it gets more prone to inflammation and oxidation which allows damaging free radicals to attach themselves to cells. As a result, it kills brain cells which in turn is responsible for memory loss.
Scientists have proven the fact that right diet increase the immunity of the brain towards inflammation and oxidation. Also it helps brain cells to communicate between them easily. One important area of research in this subject is the role of antioxidants, potent chemicals in plant that protect against free radicals which are responsible for damaging brain cells.
Food with high value powerful antioxidants are just the right diet for your brain. Many fruits and vegetables occupy their respective space in this prime list. Antioxidants, not only slow oxidation but also act as anti-inflammatory agents, serve dual purpose. Hence they make brain less vulnerable to amyloid plaque. Also they improve communication between neurons and allow the brain to regenerate.
Curcumin which is a spice known for its anti-inflammatory effects helps a lot in preventing memory loss. Curcumin is basically that spice which gives yellow curry its bright color and is frequently used as natural food dye.
Vitamins B such as niacin and folic acid are vitally important to brain function and help keep mind sharp.
Here is a list of few food items which helps Brain in a huge way
Antioxidants :
1) Plums
2) Oranges
3) Red Grapes
4) Blueberries , Blackberries , Cranberries , Strawberries , Raspberries
5) Onions
6) Brussels sprouts , Alfalfa sprouts
7) Broccoli
8) Cherries etc.
Some Vitamins B which are part of Brain Diet:
1) Dairy products
2) Wheat Germ
3) Seafood
4) Whole grains
5) Carrots
6) Leafy Greens
7) Nuts and Seeds
8) Asparagus
Some Omega 3 fatty acids:
1) Salmon
2) Bluefish
3) Tuna
4) Sardines
5) Mackerel
A Piece of Advice : Giving up alcohol helps brain : A new study suggest that there is a burst in new brain cell development during abstinence from chronic alcohol consumption. When used in excess, alcohol damages brain structure and function.
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Also get free tips and tricks on weight loss and a chance to go through other informative articles targetting various health issues at
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Top Free Detox Diet Program!
Detoxification Diets
Detoxification diets help the body to eliminate toxins in many ways. First, natural vegetarian diets include the fiber needed for stimulating good bowel eliminate. They also contain the proper amounts of vitamins that feed and nourish the bowels and the liver, as well as other eliminative organs. They also include a valuable source of enzymes since most vegetarian diets are eaten raw. The elimination of meat from the diet for a short period enhances detoxification because meat is so difficult to digest and requires many enzymes for its digestion. Therefore, vegetarian diets are cleansing diets and aid the body in elimination of toxins. Your body is like an automation machine that runs 24/7 without stop! The byproduct of your metabolism is urea and this is toxic for your body!
Water Fast
Most people are quite capable of doing a three day water fast. Be sure to obtain purified water only. During these three days, slow down your daily activities - specially physical activities. Some may even find it is better to take to bed and keep warm if the weather is cold.
Easy Detox Diet Program
BREAKFAST could be melon only. Eat as much as you like and feel satisfied that you have had enough. All types of melons are good. Honeydew, Cantaloupe, Gala or Watermelon.
LUNCHTIME: Eat only oranges or grapefruit or pineapples or plums whatever you fancy but don't mix the fruits. Eat till hunger is satisfied. 4 p.m. Have a large (12 oz.) glass of freshly pressed carrot juice.
EVENING: Eat only apples, pears, grapes or bananas. Eat only one fruit at a time and eat till hunger is satisfied. During the week you can vary daily the fruits you want to eat on that particular day.
Keep Workload Light During Your Detox
You can resume your household duties or light office work but do not exert yourself physically. Conserve energy. It is possible that some of you may feel some reactions, like light headedness, nausea at times, a little listlessness and feeling of tiredness and mental irritability. Persevere - Rome wasn't built in a day. After all it took you years to get into the toxic state that you now find yourself into. The symptoms will go away eventually. Lots of sleep and rest are essential at this stage so do not plan any social events.
Who Should Detoxify?
Although everyone can benefit from a detox cleanse, those of us who are overweight, have unhealthy diets, take medications, drink alcohol, have health problems, or are exposed to chemicals in the workplace, need it more than others.
Detoxifying the body has become an apparent key preventetive measure to all kind's of health problems. Since most of us are busy, and unable or unwilling to maintain a strict diet in order to completely eliminate all the toxins from our bodie. We have chemicals building up in our bodiess day after day.
Sauna Therapy: Sweating Out Toxins
The oldest know medical document, the Ayurveda, appeared in Sanskrit in 568 BC and considered sweating so important to health that it prescribed the sweat bath and thirteen other methods of inducing sweat. Why is sweating so important? The answer is simple, researches has found that sweat contains far more toxins than urine itself!
So what are you waiting for? We urge you to find out more about Sauna Therapy and Sauna Detox today at And while you are at it, why not consider getting your very one Home Sauna? Visit You can even buy your own Automated Sauna!
With so many health benefits associated with Sauna Therapy, why not have your very own Home Sauna? Come to
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Juice Detox: Understanding How It Works and the Difference from Juice Fasting
A juice detox is very similar to a juice fast with one essential difference. You continue to eat certain foods while you drink your juices. Many of you may be thinking that this therefore constitutes a normal detox diet but it doesn't - the majority of what you ingest over the specified timeframe is simply fruit and vegetable juice but occasionally, generally towards the end of the detox, small amounts of food are also allowed.
This type of detox is great for those of you who are trying detox for the first time. A juice detox offers all the benefits of a juice fast i.e. it quickly eliminates toxins from the body and gives a great feeling of well being, but it is made that little bit easier because of the food allowance.
Basically many juice detox programmes consist of a semi-fast which is based on a fruit and vegetable juice fast with whole fruit, raw vegetables and a few nutritional supplements thrown in as well.
A good example of a juice detox is as follows:
Day 1 - drink freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice every four hours. If you feel thirsty in between juice drinks you can have filtered water or herbal tea as an extra drink.
Day 2 - as day one but you can add up to 1lb of grapes and three bananas.
Day 3 - as day two plus a serving of raw vegetables and another fruit choice.
Day 4 to 7 - as day three plus a mixture of whole grain cereals, beans, nuts and seeds. This is essentially a detox diet based around juice.
Alternatively, you may want to drink your fruit juices throughout the day and have a bowl of clear vegetable broth in the evening. The length of time you remain on the juice detox is entirely up to you however it isn't advisable to continue for more than a week or two at most.
A juice detox is a great way to start off your detoxing career or for those of you who are veterans of the diets then this is a fantastic little fill in between those 30 day fasts. Either way the benefits will be felt within days of your first juice drink and they will continue to be felt for months after you finish.
Copyright 2006, Leroy Fong and
Reprinting this article is allowed provided all references and acknowledgement to the author, the website, and the URL remain intact.
Leroy Fong
Detox Guide | Liver Detox | Colon Cleanse
Tags: detox diet | detox | wight loss | diet | healthy diet
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Detox Diet - The 24 Hour Detoxification Diet
All of us need some bodily detoxification from time to time, and here is a tried and tested 24 hour detoxification liquid diet.
If you have overdone eating or drinking, have smoked too much, here is a 24 hours detox solution for you.
You will need a mixer or food processor, the list of greens and vegetables below and also some filter fresh brewed coffee or tea.
Yes, it is proven that coffee (and tea) are more powerful anti-oxidants than Vitamins C and E combined.
You will need about 1 kilo of fresh spinach, 1 kilo of ruccola, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 bunch of fresh coriander, and filtered or bottled water.
Each dose of the liquid is to be made fresh before consumption, no mixing and storing in the fridge is allowed.
Detox Method
For the 24 hour period, no solid food is allowed. Coffee or tea can be consumed in the morning upon waking, again at mid-day, and a third time at early evening.
Starting from one hour after your morning coffee or tea, mix is equal amounts the spinach, ruccola, parsley and coriander. You may not add any salt...or other seasonings. Mix the herbs with water, and drink one large glass.
Repeat this every hour till you sleep.
Results and Benefits
You will find yourself quite a bit in the bathroom, with constant urination and perhaps some more than usual defecation. This is quite normal, as your body is ridding itself of pollutants. Your kidneys will be very active, and accumulated solid particles will find their way out of your intestines quite quickly.
After the 24 hour period, you will feel very light, clean and refreshed.
It is helpful if during the period you can take a sauna or at least bath frequently in your shower, scrubbing your skin with a shower brush to aid the skin also to expel accumulated toxins.
Ask your Doctor
This diet is completely safe for use on a 24 hour period, but just in case, ask your doctor if you can do this diet before you begin. You may have some conditions that would not allow a liquid fast.
How Frequently Can One Detoxify?
Normally not more than one or two days a month should this diet be followed, but in some cases, and with a doctor's permission, the diet can be followed one day a week.
Unexpected Benefits from the Detox Diet
Should you be on a diet, or wishing to lose weight, the detox diet is great to give you diet a needed boost. You will find that after 24 hours on a liquid fast, you will be lighter, no question about it.
Post-Diet Diet
On the day following your detox diet, do not drink any alcohol or eat any heavy food such as meat or fish. It is best on the day after the fast to have salads, some light soups, and for protein, simply cooked chicken.
Article by sacha tarkovsky
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There Are No Shortcuts To Detox Diets
The recent craze on maple syrup seems to have caught the fancy of those who are trying to lose weight and rid themselves of some flab. There are mentions of this maple syrup diet aiding in the detoxification of the body as well.
Though the role on effectiveness of the maple syrup diet per se in ensuring weight loss can be contested on the grounds of the fact that any liquid diet will ensure reduction in calories and therefore, loss of weight, the claims of this maple syrup diet helping in detox are even more baseless.
Maple syrup contains a high concentration of glucose, creating a conducive environment for candida and fungi to flourish and thrive. The high concentration of sugars in the system actually fuels the growth of candida and other fungi in the body enabling them to settle deeper into the intestinal lining. This paves the path for production of more toxins that in turn ensure an incremental and rapid movement of the toxic cycle. Half-baked and shortcut measures can be dangerous since they actually achieve completely opposite results than those that one started to achieve. These quick methods can be alluring and can take you up a garden path especially since they do deliver short-term results like clearing the mind and the colon, making you feel light and healthy for a certain period of time. One is only likely to be frustrated in the long run with a relapse or resurfacing of similar symptoms and ailments that one faced before the diet.
What one needs to realize is that unless there is a concerted effort to cleanse the system of all the contributing factors that add to the toxic cycle, the task is yet unaccomplished. Only by ensuring that each and every link in the toxic cycle is addressed can we break the toxic cycle. To start with, the body needs to have an internal environment that is not conducive to the survival of fungi and candida. This environment can be created by consuming a healthy diet that is low in glucose content (with no intake of added sugar as well) and has a right balance of acid and alkaline foods.
While choosing the right detox program, try not to fall for seemingly easy options that promise great results almost instantly or in a few days. If the toxins have been building up in your system for a fairly long time, getting rid of them totally to reach a state of true health is bound to take time. It is important to realize that there are no shortcuts to success.
However, with a careful and systematic detox program that addresses, not just the diet but all the factors that contribute to the toxic cycle, you can ensure that your efforts shall not feel wasted after a few months!
Calvin Newstead is a committed health writer that knows first hand about chronic and minor illness and how to overcome it through natural detox methods. Take the first step to detox and Visit
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Understand Detox Diet: Knowing the Types of Detox Foods
Detox diets can be quite strict and so they aren't for the faint hearted. Many of your favourite food groups are not allowed including wheat (bread and pasta), dairy (milk, cheese and yoghurt), meat and fish, eggs and all those lovely processed foods that are so convenient. In addition you have to give up alcohol, caffeine, sugar and salt.
So, you may ask, what exactly is left?
You may not think it now but there are still a lot of foods left including:
All fresh fruit and vegetables. Obviously organic is best if you can afford it and in particular broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, beetroot and artichokes are great detox vegetables.
Beans. All kinds of beans are great for you including mung beans, kidney beans, adzuki beans and pinto beans but unfortunately not baked beans. Also in this category are split peas, chickpeas and lentils.
Rice products. Basmati and brown rice are preferable for detoxing however products made with rice such as rice cakes, rice crackers and rice pasta are also allowed.
Grains. Buckwheat, millet grain and amaranth are available from any health food store and make a great alternative to potato products.
Nuts and seeds. These have to be unsalted so no peanuts. You can enjoy sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds though in addition to nuts like almonds and cashews.
Condiments. You may not think about things such as salt but a detox diet requires that you have sea or vegetable salt as apposed to normal table salt. Vinegar is ok as are most herbs and spices.
Tea. Herbal teas make a lovely alternative to coffee and as long as they are decaffeinated they are fine. They come in a huge range of flavours so there is bound to be one you like.
Other beverages. Water is important to a detox diet however you may wish to substitute simple water with lemon water, natural fruit and vegetable juices and even rice milk.
When all of these ingredients are mixed together they can produce extremely tasty meals and for the majority of your detox diet you won't even realise you have given up your favourite foods. At the end of the diet you will feel better, look better and be very tempted to cut out the bad foods for good.
Copyright 2006, Leroy Fong and
Reprinting this article is allowed provided all references and acknowledgement to the author, the website, and the URL remain intact.
Leroy Fong
Detox Guide | Liver Detox | Colon Cleanse
More information on Detox Foods
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The 411 On Detox Diets
A healthy diet makes you live longer and better. Detox diets promote long-term health and well-being. Our body is constantly exposed to undefined toxins from environment, food adulterated by chemical pesticides and un-eliminated body waste. They keep on building up in the body over the years, eventually leading to a number of illnesses like weight gain, diabetes, heart problems, skin eruptions, cancer, aches and pains, lower immunity and other diseases. Occasional purging the body off these accumulated toxins and chemicals through balanced natural diet helps maintaining a healthy body.
What is Detox
Our internal organs eliminate waste by-products daily through sweat, faeces and urine. Despite this, processed foods and environmental pollutants build up toxic matter in the body, which keeps on accumulating gradually. A simple detox diet clears the digestive system of all harmful toxic matter. Regular detoxification of the digestive system results in increased stamina, energy, mental clarity, weight loss and elimination of diseases.
Detox diets
The main idea of a detox diet is to eliminate processed foods, meat, fish, alcohol, cigarette, tea and coffee from your diet for a few days. Consuming natural foods, fruits and vegetables with plenty of water helps destroying the built up chemical wastes from the body. Fasting once a week keeps the body light and rested. It rests the internal organs like liver, colon and stomach. Gradually re-introduce the body to other foods, after 5 to 6 days of a detoxifying diet.
Detox diets consist of low-fat milk, yogurt, apples, orange, peach, grapes, lemon, tomato, broccoli, beets, cauliflower, beans, legumes, rice, barley, wheat, nuts, seeds, red and green vegetables, etc. The diet provides up to 750 calories per day. Drink at least 2 liters of water to keep the body hydrated. Water also helps in flushing out toxins from the body. Staying off meat, processed food and stimulants for a few days at regular intervals helps keep the body energized and lighter.
Regular body detoxification with the planned detox diet prevents ailments and diseases, reduces weight and promotes health. It makes for pleasurable eating while curbing the toxic build-up of harmful chemicals in the body.
Article Source:
Barney Garcia writes about many different topics. He is a proud contributing author and invites you to his websites. and
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Detox Diets - The New Diet Fad
Detox Diets are the newly-researched, scientific way of cleansing accumulated toxic wastes from the body. The human body is exposed to toxins from environmental pollutants, processed foods, pesticides and non- evacuated metabolic bodily wastes. They build up gradually over many years and remain stored within body fat, resulting in number of ailments. Diseases like cancer, heart attacks, ulcers, skin problems, various aches and pains, lowered immunity, obesity, etc are all caused by accumulated toxins in our body. A regular detox diet purges and purifies the body.
Detox Diet Foods
Natural, unprocessed fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, low fat diary products are all detox diet foods.
Elimination of meat, fish, eggs, and processed foods containing pesticides, heavy metal, stimulants like tea, coffee, alcohol and cigarettes for a few days from our diet can greatly reduce the toxic build up in our body. Consumption of purified water keeps the system hydrated and helps in flushing out wastes from the kidneys.
Detox Diets : Methods
· Fasting at least once a week regularly or subsisting on water and fruits along with fasting releases the toxins and purifies the system. It rests the internal body organs as well.
· Hydrotherapy by taking special types of bath or through sauna therapy opens the skin pores allowing for better detoxification.
· Nutritional supplements instead of food, in the form of powders or packaged protein snacks, too help in detoxification by burning fat for energy.
· Specific detox diet periods last between 7 and 30 days. It can be very restrictive and needs to be followed strictly for effectiveness. It is always better to detox regularly with a natural diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Benefits of Detox Diets
· It trains you to eat toxin-free foods when you see an improvement in your health.
· It makes you feel light, helps in losing weight by eliminating stored toxins and improves metabolism.
· It helps prevent serious diseases, improves resistance to colds, coughs and allergens, aids digestion, enhances mental activity and keeps you more energized and rested.
Detox diets are one of the best ways to live a healthy and happy life.
Barney Garcia writes about many different detox diets and other dieting topics. healthy detox and detox diets and detox dieting
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How To Choose A Herbal Detox Diet?
Toxins can include perfume, alcohol, cigarette smoke, pesticides, mercury, food additives, oral contraceptives, and cleaning supplies. Toxins are transformed chemically to less harmful compounds that can be excreted via stools or urine.
Is there anyone who should not try a detox diet?
Consult your primary care provider to find out if a detox diet is appropriate for you. A detox diet should not be used by pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with anemia, eating disorders, heart problems, lowered immunity, low blood pressure, ulcers, diabetes, epilepsy, cancer, ulcerative colitis, unless recommended and supervised by your primary care provider.
There are endless detox plans you can follow, so chose carefully. Some will advocate complete fasting or juice-only days, but beware of the health implications and never start such an extreme plan without consulting your doctor or a qualified nutritionist.
Detox Benefits
1. Improves symptoms of heartburn, constipation and gas and treats digestive disorders;
2. Boosts the immune system.
Allergies or sensitivies?
By and large, conventional health care only deals with masking the symptoms of allergies and food sensitivities, rather than attempting to resolve them. The first step that many alternative practitioners recommend is a change of diet that cuts out wheat and dairy foods, two common allergens. To do so is also the first step in "detoxing." Higher levels of detoxing, as well as additional immune support through nutritional supplementation, have been known to help many allergy sufferers. Allergies are, however, almost by definition, a very individualized condition.
What happens after the detox?
Many of the foods that were eliminated during this diet can be allergenic. A natural health practitioner can help to systematically reintroduce food groups (wheat, dairy, gluten, corn) and note reactions to identify the food groups that may be aggravating health conditions such as sinus congestion, fatigue, skin conditions, arthritis and bloating and constipation. Flare-ups can occur, so supervision is recommended.
Detoxification is the process of eliminating harmful compounds (toxins) from the body. Find out about Herbal Detox at
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Fantastic Detox Diet Plan
A detox diet plan is not aimed at weight loss. It aims to cleanse and revitalize the body by combining natural organic foods, herbs and simple exercises to purge the body of accumulated toxins.
Over time, consumption of processed foods, non-vegetarian foods, and sugars leads to clogging of the inner walls of the colon with waste matter. This results in overloading of internal cleansing organs like liver and kidneys. They become sluggish, allowing the toxins and bacteria to re-enter the circulatory system instead of total elimination through feces, urine or sweat. These toxins result in fatigue, infections of skin and other organs, migraines, flatulence, heartburns, constipation and many other serious diseases. A regular detox diet plan can rid the body of the accumulated toxins and lead to an active disease-free life.
General Detox Diet
This diet is not for diabetics, low blood pressure patients, anorexic people or teenagers, as it does not provide sufficient fuel for their physical activities. It can be a weeklong diet of liquids, organic raw fruits and vegetables to cleanse the system. Gradually re-introduce other foods but refrain from consuming non-vegetarian and processed foods. Certain natural herbs too can be used.
24-Hour Detox Diet Plan
This is a simple and quick way to revitalize your system, after a binge or over indulgence.
· Morning
One glass of pomegranate juice (most powerful natural anti- oxidant) with a few almonds (source of oil and proteins)
· Mid Morning Snack
One bowl of brown rice (source of vitamins and minerals in carbohydrate and some tofu (protein).
· Lunch
One glass pomegranate juice and big helping of mixed green salad (provides bulk and essential nutrients) drizzled with a tsp of olive oil or vinegar.
· Mid-day Snack
One-glass of pomegranate juice and a handful of almonds.
· Dinner
One glass of pomegranate juice and a large bowl of brown rice.
Drink at least 8 – 10 glasses of water daily. This detox diet will provide 1200 calories and wholesome nutrition to rid your body of toxins within 24 hours. It may help in losing about 600 grams of body weight and, if followed regularly once a week, will keep your body healthy and active.
Barney Garcia writes about many different topics. He is a proud contributing author and invites you to his websites. and
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How You Will Benefit From The Detox Diet Plan Over Any Other Diet Programs
Detoxificiation (detox) is the natural process of neutralizing and eliminating potentially harmful toxins from the body, which makes the detox diet plan (DDP) one of the best. Toxins can include anything from perfume, alcohol, cigarette smoke, food additives and more. It is vital to get on the detox diet plan because of the large intake of chemicals we ingest daily through food and water. So what is the detox diet plan?
A DDP is more natural than a majority of diet plans and gives you a realistic time frame. What it is going to do is strengthen organs and excrete the storage of toxins through the organs of elimination such as skin, intestines, liver and so on. There are several forms of these plans depending on what exactly you are looking for; however, a majority of the diets will consist of a special diet, herbs, exercise and hydrotherapy.
DDP's vary depending on what organ system you want to target. After speaking to a health care practitioner you should be able to come up with a plan that is best for you. It is recommended that you go on the diet once or twice a year to help improve your overall health.
So how much does it cost? There are many places on the internet that offer the first week of the program for free. On the article page for this site you can find a free plan for 3 days, a week, and even up to 21 days. It's quite simply finding a plan that you are comfortable with so that you can get straight to work!
The great thing about it, is the fact that it will not only help you lose weight, but it will also cleanse your body and help you become a much healthier person. With the proper program you will increase your intake of foods and drinks that are healthier and are toxic-free.
Starting one of these diets will help you and your body become more energized, feel fit, happier, and healthier. If you begin to feel good about yourself you will feel more inclined to work at it. By no longer eating poor quality foods and avoiding toxic substances including coffee, tobacco, and alcohol you can make it possible to feel more energized due to the return of natural energy levels.
It is crucial that while you are on the diet you exercise, rest and relax. This will allow you to keep the energy level up while you are detoxing. Going on the plan will allow you to lose the weight over an extended period of time while allowing you to become much healthier as well. All that is left now is for you to try it out, so go and find plan that works for you and get started. Within a week or two of the dieting you will notice a big difference in the way you feel.
Clive Jenkins recommends the Detox Diet Plan website which provides you with comprehensive information on all aspects of the diet. To find articles, tips and free diet plans check out the site here:
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I tried a Detox Diet: I'd always associated detoxing with starving and didn't think I could do it. But curiosity got the best of me.
Getting Motivated
Detoxing has always intrigued me. I like the idea of helping my body cleanse itself, and I had read that a detoxed body is healthier and better able to fend off diseases. But I was worried about being hungry during a week of diet restriction (I get ornery without enough food). Earlier this year a friend signed on to follow a detox diet designed by a naturopath, and I decided to try it with her.
The First Days
The first four days of the diet I could eat all the beans, fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and whole grains (preferably organic) that I wanted--but nothing processed. I could eat these foods either raw or choked, and olive oil and herbs for flavoring were allowed. Yet on that first day all I could think about were the foods I couldn't eat, like ice cream.
I also had to drink a tonic of water mixed with lemon to cleanse my liver; honey for nourishment; ginger (Zingiber officinale) to relieve nausea; and hawthorn berry (Crataegus species) to aid my digestion and improve circulation. Surprisingly, the tonic tasted good. What I couldn't have was coffee. I don't drink much, but I missed it and wound up with a headache.
The next day my headache continued. Then I sliced my thumb while preparing breakfast and had to go to the emergency room to get stitches. So my thumb hurt and my head hurt. But I stuck to the plan.
Day three I had body aches on top of the headache, and was so tired I almost left work at 2 p.m. On day four I woke up feeling great, but by midafternoon I had a headache again and was fatigued. I wondered when I would begin to feel good.
The Fast
On the fifth day I started the dreaded two-day fruit and vegetable fast. I was allowed to eat any fruits and vegetables--but nothing else. I wasn't hungry or grumpy, but I wasn't completely satisfied with my meals either. And I was still extremely tired.
I also started taking 1,500 mg of the laxative herb psyllium (Plantago ovata). By 10 p.m. I felt the effect. For the next 1 1/2 hours I was running to the bathroom every 15 minutes with diarrhea.
The sixth day I cut the psyllium dose to 1/3 the amount. I felt somewhat better. Plus, my body wasn't as sore and my headache was milder.
Finally, on my last day, I felt better than I had in months. Now that I was back on the modified diet, it seemed like I had a huge array of foods from which to choose and I no longer craved forbidden foods.
Also, my usual allergy symptoms (irritated sinuses and stuffed nose) had cleared. And I had an amazing amount of energy that lasted all day.
My Verdict
The best part: Feeling allergy-free and energetic on the last day of the detox.
The worst part: The effects of the psyllium.
Would I do it again? I would do a three-day modified fast, but not a week-long one.
At a Glance
Donna Coco, 37
THE THERAPY: A week-long detox diet with cleansing herbs and a laxative.
THE COST: About $75 for food and $50 for supplements.
MY MOTIVATION: To feel refreshed and less bloated.
FEAR FACTOR: Moderate.
Fast Facts
HISTORY: Detoxification practices including enemas, sweat lodges, and fasts have been used in Greek, Native American, and Moslem cultures.
TODAY: Most naturopaths recommend following a restricted diet or fast (up to a week long) a few times a year.
FOR MORE INFO: To find a naturopath in your area, contact the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians (703-610-9037;
Donna Coco, is managing editor at Natural Health.
COPYRIGHT 2001 Weider Publications
COPYRIGHT 2001 Gale Group
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Understanding The 7 Day Detox Diet
In today's polluted and stressful environment, our bodies are put under a tremendous strain. Stress and environmental conditions actually help to retain the noxious toxins with our body which affect our immune system and make us more susceptible to disease and infection. With this simple 7 day detox diet plan, you can safely and efficiently rid your body of these harmful toxins, whilst losing a few extra pounds in the process. This plan aims to provide a complete balance of nutrients, and unlike liquid based plans, is completely safe for one week, with no adverse side effects. It is a perfectly natural method of cleansing the body, and it's also not to difficult to achieve.
Throughout the 7 day detox diet, eating fruit and vegetables constantly is a fantastic way to ensure your body is getting the right nutrients to keep it healthy and active. Your fruit can come from any source, whether it be fresh, canned (in natural juices) of dried, and will serve to really boost your immune system and your body's healing properties. Again your vegetables, as long as they are not processed or contained in a salt solution, should be consumed frequently and are great for keeping up your metabolism and strengthening your immunity to everyday infections and are great for ridding the body of unwanted toxins and heavy metals.
Beans and other pulses are also invaluable to the diet, fantastic for the heart, and are also quite filling as well, so it's unlikely you'll feel the hunger if you stick with pulses. Oats, potatoes, brown rice and water are additional essentials for your 7 day detox diet, and they will ensure you have the strength to remain active and participate in everyday activities.
During the 7 day detox plan, you should avoid the obvious things, like sugary drinks and chocolate, although there are a wide variety of other food which should be avoided. Things like eggs , most meats with the exception of fish, coffee and tea should be completely avoided during this seven day period.
An ideal breakfast for someone on the 7 day detox diet would be banana porridge. To make banana porridge, simply make regular porridge and add banana, honey, raisins and yoghurt to taste.
For lunch, why not try a tuna and sweet corn baked potato, or how about potato salad with avocado? Dinner on the 7 day detox diet can consist of a vegetable stir fry, or baked salmon and vegetables.
If you stick with the 7 day detox diet plan, you will surely lose weight. If you stick with the routine, and continue to exercise regularly, you'll rid your body of those harmful toxins which will ultimately leave you feeling refreshed and stronger, as well as helping you burn off those pounds which have built up from years of bad habits and poor environment. Unlike other plans, this 7 day detox diet plan is the ideal combination of nutrients and volume of food, and is not too restrictive nor is it as unsafe as other programmes. Stick with it, and you'll see the results within 7 days.
Clive Jenkins recommends the Detox Diet Plan website which provides comprehensive information on Detox Diets. To find articles, tips and free information and advice check out the site here:
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Why So Many Dieters Love The Lemon Detox Diet

If you're looking for an easy fast detox, the lemon detox diet is definitely one of the best. It's a popular diet which revolves around a wholly natural drink which comes from the syrup of organic trees and is blended with the juice from fresh lemons, water and some pepper. The syrup is made up of a mixture of palm and maple syrups, and is though to offer a beneficial balance of minerals and vitamins to the concoction.
This diet is a great way to get rid of those nasty toxins from your body, and will even help you lose weight at the same time. The diet consists of little else other than this mixture to help detoxify and leave the body healed and healthy.
The syrup element of the drink is high in natural sugars to provide the body with the energy it needs to curb hunger during the programme. The calorie content of one glass is around 70 calories, and it is rich in zinc and calcium in almost exact proportions for the needs of the human body.
The lemon detox diet itself works on the basis of seven days fasting in which only the lemon drink and water are consumed along with any medication which may also be prescribed for ingestion during the duration. Patients can expect to remain active, drawing energy from the calories contained within the drink, and should expect symptoms such as dizziness or light-headedness in the first few days as toxins begin their course through the bloodstream. It is also advisable to maintain a course of light exercise during the diet as well as some general breathing activities to increase the blood flow and speed up the release of toxins from the body. After the fast it is crucial not to recommence normal eating habits as this can cause serious damage to the body. It is best to start with fruit juices and lighter foods to allow for a gradual build up back onto a healthy diet. The process of fasting for dieting and detox is dangerous, even with the lemon detox diet, so it's important to consult your physician before deciding to embark on such an endeavour.
The lemon detox diet provides the body with balanced and nutritional support, although as of yet there is no evidence to suggest adverse longer term effects on the body, although research is beginning into the pros and cons of this type of regime. Although the diet can be carried out by anyone for short periods of time, it is advisable to speak to your medical practitioner before undergoing any fasting plan for a general analysis of your health. This will also provide an opportunity to consult your doctor about alternative plans to the lemon detox diet which may be more beneficial given your physical condition. Fasting can be dangerous for the inexperienced or naive, so it's important to do your research and only fast in accordance with your doctor's guidelines for your own safety and wellbeing.
Clive Jenkins recommends the Detox Diet Plan website which provides comprehensive information on Detox Diets. To find articles, tips and free information and advice check out the site here:
Tags: Detox Diet | Wight Loss | Diet | Healthy Diet
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Detox Diet Ideas
There are several types of detox diets. There are those in which you can only eat fruits and vegetables, those in which you can only eat “clean” foods, those in which you can only drink fruit and vegetable juice, and the most extreme type where you can only drink water. You can also do specialized cleanses designed specifically for certain area of the body, for instance the liver, kidneys, blood or lungs. However, most detox diets just involve cleansing the entire body. Below, there is a sample of a seven day detox diet that you can try.
First of all, it is important that you have regular bowel movements during a detox because this will lessen the likelihood of toxins being reabsorbed by the body. A good way to make sure you will eliminate regularly is to take 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds in lemon water in the morning, and drink lemon water throughout the day. Flax seeds provide the body with fiber and lemon water has a slightly laxative effect.
It is also important to drink enough fluids on a cleanse. You should try to include at least 8 glasses of water daily to ensure that you are allowing toxins to be flushed out.
A sample menu of a detox diet follows below. This is a diet that allows some food, since this tends to be easier for beginners. Remember, you can modify this to fit your needs and preferences.
·1/2 lemon squeezed into a glass of warm water
·1 tablespoon of bentonite clay and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water
·breakfast smoothie made with pear, rice milk and rice protein powder
·supplements: vitamin C
·apple juice diluted with water
·vegetable broth
·supplements: milk thistle
·celery sticks and hummus
·chunky vegetable soup made with vegetable stock and your choice of vegetables
·steamed broccoli with sesame seeds and beets sprinkled with lemon juice on brown rice
·apple sauce
·supplements: multivitamin
·dandelion root tea
·carrot sticks with hummus dip
·supplements: milk thistle
·curried lentils on quinoa
·salad with mixed greens, red peppers, artichokes and sprouts drizzled with salad dressing of garlic, lemon juice and olive oil
·vegetable broth
·1 tablespoon of bentonite clay and 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseeds in a glass of water
This can be followed for up to seven days. Have fun, and remember to be careful, because while you should expect to feel sluggish and slightly ill, if you are feeling very ill or fatigued, contact your doctor.
About the Author:
Barney Garcia writes about many different topics. rapid detox and detox diets and
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