There Are No Shortcuts To Detox Diets
The recent craze on maple syrup seems to have caught the fancy of those who are trying to lose weight and rid themselves of some flab. There are mentions of this maple syrup diet aiding in the detoxification of the body as well. Though the role on effectiveness of the maple syrup diet per se in ensuring weight loss can be contested on the grounds of the fact that any liquid diet will ensure reduction in calories and therefore, loss of weight, the claims of this maple syrup diet helping in detox are even more baseless.
Maple syrup contains a high concentration of glucose, creating a conducive environment for candida and fungi to flourish and thrive. The high concentration of sugars in the system actually fuels the growth of candida and other fungi in the body enabling them to settle deeper into the intestinal lining. This paves the path for production of more toxins that in turn ensure an incremental and rapid movement of the toxic cycle. Half-baked and shortcut measures can be dangerous since they actually achieve completely opposite results than those that one started to achieve. These quick methods can be alluring and can take you up a garden path especially since they do deliver short-term results like clearing the mind and the colon, making you feel light and healthy for a certain period of time. One is only likely to be frustrated in the long run with a relapse or resurfacing of similar symptoms and ailments that one faced before the diet.
What one needs to realize is that unless there is a concerted effort to cleanse the system of all the contributing factors that add to the toxic cycle, the task is yet unaccomplished. Only by ensuring that each and every link in the toxic cycle is addressed can we break the toxic cycle. To start with, the body needs to have an internal environment that is not conducive to the survival of fungi and candida. This environment can be created by consuming a healthy diet that is low in glucose content (with no intake of added sugar as well) and has a right balance of acid and alkaline foods.
While choosing the right detox program, try not to fall for seemingly easy options that promise great results almost instantly or in a few days. If the toxins have been building up in your system for a fairly long time, getting rid of them totally to reach a state of true health is bound to take time. It is important to realize that there are no shortcuts to success.
However, with a careful and systematic detox program that addresses, not just the diet but all the factors that contribute to the toxic cycle, you can ensure that your efforts shall not feel wasted after a few months!
Calvin Newstead is a committed health writer that knows first hand about chronic and minor illness and how to overcome it through natural detox methods. Take the first step to detox and Visit
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